Gender-based Violence in Rural and Remote Settings in Ontario and British Columbia

Date: January 2023

This webinar entitled "Gender-based Violence in Rural and Remote Settings in Ontario and British Columbia: Experiences, Challenges and Services Available for Women" features the work of two scholars, Drs. Danielle Bader and Jacqueline Campbell.


danielle-bader.jpgDr. Danielle Bader (Ph.D.) is a Research Analyst in the Health Analysis Division at Statistics Canada. She earned her Ph.D. in Sociological Criminology and an M.A. in Criminology and Criminal Justice Policy from the University of Guelph. Her dissertation employed a qualitative research design to understand women’s experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) in non-urban communities in Ontario and service providers’ perspectives supporting individuals and families. In her role in the Health Analysis Division at Statistics Canada, she works on the vulnerable populations research team conducting quantitative analyses in collaboration with others (e.g., government researchers, academics) and disseminates research findings through presentations and peer-reviewed publications on various topics. Currently, she is examining the association between non-physical child maltreatment and mental health conditions.will discuss the challenges courts face in identifying and responding to litigation abuse.

jackqueline.jpgDr. Jacqueline Holler (Ph.D) is a Professor of Gender Studies and History and Coordinator of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, BC. She is a member of the leadership team of UNBC’s Northern Feminist Institute for Research and Evaluation (Northern FIRE), which hosts the Women North Network connecting women and agencies across Northern BC. She has a dual research program in History and Gender Studies, and completed the first large-scale study of hitchhiking in BC (2012–2018), with special attention to intersections between transportation and violence. With her Northern FIRE colleagues, Jacqueline is currently planning a March 2023 conference, Bringing It Home: Intersections of Housing, Transportation, Livelihood, and Gendered Health in Northern BC; and collaborating with Carrier Sekani Family Services on a community research project aimed at improving MMIWG prevention programs along the Highway of Tears.ill discuss recent court case, patterns in court judgements and findings related to litigation abuse.

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